Co-Founder iGURU! Teaching Systems - Designer, Technical - & Archivist
Co-Founder - Architect & Designer of iGURU! Teaching Systems - & Archivist
Science Of The Immortals
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SOTI's (Science Of The Immortals) - Introductory Handbook -
Preface to the Introduction
(US Publication)
"The Slam-Dunk Life!!!"
There were only ever a few hundred copies produced - of this specifically created US edition of the introductory handbook for new SOTI members, published in the US.
The Prophet Kwametiem has often been credited with its creation - when following the Second American Civil War, he visited America in 2046 - making "strange alliances" - with spiritual leaders in the Black seccessionist states.
However, there are those who discounted this work - all together - as a patent forgery - created by "American record producers" - "pimps" - "hustlers" and "hoodlums" - connected to the then black organised crime boss of a small Cosmetropoli - whose black Chief executive, was known as Nero - of "The Black Consortium."
He later left America - for Europe and with the assistance of certain "wealthy Whites" within the "White Power Matrix" - became known as - Emperor Nero, the Negro, of Conglomoramaton West (Royal) - (geopolitically - part of the ancient Anglo-American, Dutch, Power structures of Europe) - this geopolitical structure had been dismembered, following the collapse of America - after the second American Civil War.
I was only able to recover a single page of this disputed document, "The Slam-Dunk Life" - from SOTI archives. Further research - in the library of the Adelaja Foundation - confirmed the existence of this page - in a memorandum reference, as being in the preface to the introduction (SOTI Handbook US Publication.)
The author who is reputed to be the Prophet Kwametiem - was allegedly asked to provide - on a single sheet - a description of what philosophers often term "the good life." The memorandum which I am referring to, from the "Adelaja Foundation Library states" -
"The Prophet Kwametiem was visibly irritated at this request - he regarded the title as rude - but said nothing as he was quickly cautioned and advised that that was the relaxed manner of the philosophers, metaphysicians and esoteric denizens, of the newly seceded black civil states.
Politicians have been in the main, removed - many slaughtered - many of the preachers and teachers - who assumed positions of titular power - had attempted to spirtualise every day black lives. The "Slam Dunk" title - was regarded as one that would appeal to the still unstable and disgruntled black masses."
1. My belief in 'Karma' - that Karma is all - that what goes around comes around - that one should cast ones bread upon the waters (Ecclesiastes 11:1, KJV) - assures me - that I can never suffer an injustice, which is unpaid.
2. My belief in 'Reincarnation' - compels me to the conclusion - that as a consequence of innumerable lives - within the twelve thousand year or if there is a 1000-year golden age - 13,000-year planetary life cycle - during which I have 1000 years of existence - in innumerable 'Body Suits' - that there is ample time - to find complete awareness - of the nature of existence - since - "I am not this Body" - what is a life - when there are innumerable existences - when the body is no more than a suit - a multi-dimensional one to be worn - through the efforts and exigencies - of my Eternal Soul - again and again and again and again?...
3. My motto - to express 'Unconditional Love' - "wherever" - "whenever" - "however" - but not trapped by those of wicked ways - who would seek to exploit this "righteous precept" - for as we know - "Unconditional Love - does not mean Unconditional stupidity. Remember - Balance the Heart with the Mind."
4. Finally, I have the comfort - of the "Supreme Aphorism" - which I did not pen - but heard - from the mouth of my teacher -
is as it -
For those who have the
to await the
of their
- !!!FATES
for their
Oladipo Adegboyega Adelaja, SOTI Collected Works
With these 4 pearls - upon which I regularly gaze - I believe - I have arrived at the "SLAM DUNK LIFE"!!!
(1) This aphorism is known as the ‘Supreme Aphorism’ or the ‘Sublime Aphorism.’ For it is stated – whether it be true fact or not – that the SOTI Founder – when asked –
Questioner: What is your favourite aphorism? –
Before replying, the Founder appeared to look puzzled –
Or let me put it this way – what is the aphorism – the one aphorism – that you would be obliged to take –
If you could only take one?
It is recorded – as follows –
“Quickly the Founders puzzlement disappeared – for he was a man of sound logic – and the puzzlement – he clearly expressed (I am tempted to state that he was probably perplexed – but being merely a student of the second generation of students – one who had not personally met the Founder – such an observation, even by way of commentary – would be presumptuous.
Anyway – it is recorded that the Founder smiled and responded –”
Founder: By your first question – you had set me a nigh impossible task – for what is the favourite chick – of a hen with its brood? They are all lovely – my aphorisms.
But by your second question – you have allowed me to escape.
It is recorded – that there were further private conversations not related to this commentary – but the concluding passage, clearly identifies – the aphorism, currently under consideration.
Tradition has it that this aphorism was subsequently called the ‘Supreme Aphorism’ – it is sometimes however, referred to as the ‘Sublime Aphorism.’
Although there are many other aphorisms – known as “Favourites” or “Common Wisdom Aphorisms” – popular among not just SOTI students and the wider community in general. This aphorism has still maintained its distinction. I as commentator have my own personal favourites – “Consciousness speaks – but least of all – with words” –
“Consciousness can be fooled – but not mocked” – and if I may indulge you in another – “Make Time your ally, Karma your friend.”
Although, I am still happy to concede the primacy of the ‘Supreme’ or ‘Sublime Aphorism’ – surely – those other three – cannot be far behind!
The ‘Supreme’ / ‘Sublime Aphorism’ – is powerful because of its “Cosmic / Universal Application” – to a serious practical individual concern.
What can be more “Cosmic” / “Universal” – than the application of ‘The Fates’ – and more cosmically and universally of importance, than the nature of ‘Destiny’ – and again – what could be more ‘particular’ – concerning the ‘Individual Consciousness’ / ‘Individual’ / ‘Human Being?’ – such is the majesty of this aphorism, that it succinctly deals with all these concerns.
For those who are of a particular frame of mind and like detail – within this aphorism – Lines 4-7 –
“To those who have the Patience to await their Fates” – the “markings of time” – the “subtle distinctions” – made within an ‘Individual Existence’ / ‘Human Being’ – and again – made between the terms / elements – ‘Fates’ and ‘Destiny.’
In this aphorism, this distinction is made clear. ‘Fates’ are the things that happen to you – ‘Destiny’ is where you end up.
However, the aphorism, not only makes these distinctions within a “traditionally stoic context” – namely, the individual, who has submitted – to “Cosmic Will” – but also it goes further – to express the nature of that ‘individual character’ needed – to ‘use’ / ‘exercise’ – the ‘Cosmic Code’ – applicable to a “pliant – Programmable Cosmoi!” Since everything is a Creator!
And so in the – awaiting of “The Fates” – one is not to be idle – but one is simultaneously with ones -“Fates” – “being prepared for their destiny” (Lines 8-11).
In this – the ‘Protagonist’ – is both ‘Being’ – being of the nature of – and also – one ready to receive their ‘Destiny’ – which itself is in the process of “being prepared” – by ‘The Cosmoi.’
In this then, can be found the “comfort of the stoics” – and the “preparedness” of Lord Yeshua’s -“wise virgins” (Matthew 24.)
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